Generally, a root canal is done as a last alternative to save the tooth from being pulled. The procedure involves the infected tooth being drilled so the decaying nerve tissue inside of the tooth can be extracted, essentially killing the tooth. The now hollow tooth is filled with a sealer paste. The final step is the crown at the top of the tooth. There are many people that are scared of the dentist, however, when a root canal is done the right way, there is nothing to fear. Below, find some tips on how to recover from a root canal as easily as possible.

Take Anti-Inflammatories

Anti-inflammatories are your best friend. Once the anesthesia wears off and you are snapped back to a reality of pain, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen are effective for managing the pain. In some cases, your dentist may actually prescribe you medication for pain relief. If the pain does not subside or increases after a few days, contact your dentist. The pain associated with root canals is generally considered low to moderate, despite the public's perception of the procedure.

Modify eating habits

Typically, root canals are divided into two procedures, the first procedure is extraction, and then the second is the implantation of the crown. After the extraction portion of the root canal, the dead tooth that remains sans the crown is very fragile. In order to prevent possible cracking and additional pain, it's advised that you use the other side of your mouth for chewing and take it easy on the tooth that recently underwent a root canal. After you have had your crown installed and the tooth restoration is complete, you will then be able to reapply more pressure to the tooth. 

Follow the instructions of your dentist

When recovering from a root canal it's not advised that you deviate from the instructions provided to you by your dentist. Sticking to your treatment plan as directed will promote a speedy recovery and minimize complications. If your dentist prescribe antibiotics take them as advised, even if you no longer feel discomfort, because there may still be residual bacteria from the infection in your tooth that can cause serious complications.

Mentally prepare your family and yourself for the recovery period after the procedure

Above all, the keys to a speedy recovery are the support of your family and preparation. Although root canals are not generally considered invasive procedures, once the anesthesia wears off you will need some assistance in those first couple of hours. You will still be groggy from the long nap you just had and may feel lightheaded.

To increase the probability of success and decrease the likelihood of complications, you must choose a well-qualified dentist to perform the procedure. This is not a procedure where corners can be cut. Before the procedure make sure you ask questions regarding possible complications and do research so you understand the possible risks.

These are just four tips for helping you recover from a root canal. Follow them wisely and you will recover more quickly.  For more information on this and other dental topics, contact a professional like Round Lake Dental Clinic.
