When it comes to your dental care, new technologies are constantly being developed to make your trips to the dentist easier and less problematic. When it comes to diagnosing dental caries, also known as cavities, dentists are better equipped now than ever before for early diagnosis and detection. Before you go to your dentist the next time, make sure that they are using the latest technologies to look for cavities in your mouth. This way, if you do have cavities, you can get them treated and taken care of as quickly and easily as possible.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays are far more efficient than traditional x-rays at detecting problems in your teeth. The images are far sharper than traditional x-rays. And, because the data is transmitted directly to the computer, your dentist is better able to zoom in on problem areas to get a better view.

Also, several different x-ray images can be taken using a single sensor, which allows dentists to get a more comprehensive visual of your mouth. The more images they take, the more likely they will be to find a cavity early on. 

Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence

This new tool used to diagnose cavities relies on the differences between healthy enamel that is fully mineralized and unhealthy, demineralized enamel. The mineral content of your enamel is what gives it it's structural integrity and strength. Thus, when a tooth is infected, it is demineralized. 

Using light and fluorescence, cavities are revealed because they are dark spots in the illuminated tooth. This method can easily detect even the smallest cavity painlessly and quickly. 


Fiber-optics paired with digital imaging technologies are one of the best ways to detect cavities early. Essentially, this method combines ideas from digital x-rays and the illumination technology used in quantitative light-induced fluorescence. 

The dentist will place a sensor in your mouth and then shine an extremely bright light into your mouth while taking images through the sensor. These digital images are transmitted to the computer and allow your dentist to view the scans more closely. Dark spots on the teeth appear where you have any cavities. 

This method has all of the benefits of a digital x-ray but does not require the use of any radiation to attain the image. 

So, the next time you go to the dentist, make sure your family dental care provider is using the newest technologies available to detect cavities. This way you can receive early and easy treatment before your cavities worsen and become painful and difficult to treat. For more information about interesting dental technology, contact a clinic such as Wayne Pediatric Dental Care.
